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Requirements Discussion

            This Project "Cross - X" is a Cross Platform tool and establishes Connection and information transfer between Systems based on the concept of Remote Procedure Call which is implemented by the Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI). The File information transferred between the systems is in the form of Extensible Markup Language (XML) data. The front end of the tool is designed by using the Java Swings. The analysis and discussion of why to use the concept of RPC and XML is discussed in the links given below


Remote Procedure Call (RPC)


Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI)


Extensible Markup Language (XML)

Knowledge Base

            Cross - X is a heterogeneous Platform File sharing tool that can access files from any platform of any type. The Concept of Files, File Systems and File Sharing is dealt in detail in the following Link

bulletFiles, File Systems, File Sharing

Cross - X Data Flow Model

          The data flow in cross - x is splitted into a sequence of seven steps which is discussed breifly in the following link


Data Flow Model

Cross - X System Architecture

           The System architecture of Cross - X consists of three tiers namely GUI tier, Business Tier, Integration Tier. The Description of the architecture and the tiers are emphasized in the following link


Cross - X Architecture

Cross - X Module Description

        The Project is segmented into four different modules based on the architectural and analytical study. The Modules are as follows Server management Module, Authentication Module, Event Module, hand Over Module. The detailed discussion of the modules and their dependencies are available in the below link


Cross - X Modules

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For problems or questions regarding this Project contact [susheelelango@yahoo.co.in] or [gunasekaranmohan@yahoo.com]